A few blank spots in Texas, so let's go see if we can fill them while hitting new sites/restaurants and repeating faves.
Before and after.
3,671.6 miles 67 hours and 21 minutes driving time.
3,671.6 miles 67 hours and 21 minutes driving time.
Saturday, November 21st, 2020
A few trips to Houston have crossed off most of the sites and restaurants from my list.
Lunch at Brennan's of Houston as part of the efforts to dine at the best restaurants around the globe.
Have dined at Brennan's in New Orleans.
Grilled Gulf Fish
Brown Butter Cauliflower Puree, Haricort Vert, House Pickles, Cauliflower Florets, Pecan Meuniere
Strolled down the street for the ice cream version of Cafe Sua Da- Vietnamese Iced Coffee. Very creamy, smooth and commanding
Space Center
Opened in 1992, this complex covers 250,000 square feet displaying aritfacts from the space race and educational exhibits.

Immediately got on the tram to go to the Saturn building.
Which houses an unused Saturn rocket. It would have been used for Apollo 18, 19 or 20, but the space race was winding down.
This is where stage 1 and 2 would have been connected with a fairing.
This is where stage 2 and 3 would have been connected with a fairing.
And the final connection to the capsule.
It was so exciting to see this massive example of technology from 6 decades ago.
An original mission control console. We laugh now how much more powerful our smartphones are like future generations will laugh at our smartphones.
Apollo 17
Imagine spending time in here!
Did you know the lunar rover's tires are made of metal alloy mesh to deal with the abrasive moon surface?
Moon rocks.
THE actual Boeing 905 used to transport the shuttle. NASA started using it in 1974 for experiments before it was outfitted to piggyback the shuttle.
The shuttle is a replica.
Shuttle cargo bay.
Shuttle flight deck.
The Boeing was bought from American Airlines and it's interior was stripped except for a few seats to be used for planning.
Those beams towards the back were structural reinforcements.
The actual SpaceX Falcon 9.
To think this actual rocket blasted it's cargo into space before returning safely.
Space Lab.
First visited the George Bush Presidential Library in College Station on the Texas A&M campus in 2001.
Like all presidential libraries, it is closed this year.
Too bad, would have liked to see it again.
The final resting place of George and Barbara Bush.
Third time in Austin, a great food town.
Stubb's BBQ, since 1968. That exquisite brisket made it on my favorites list.
Yep, third time doing the tradition at the state capital.
Sunday, November 22nd, 2020
Austin is another city with the sad trend of homeless tent cities under overpasses.
Cisco's, an Austin tradition since 1955.
It's on the east side.
Went with Migas.
Just a tad north of Austin is the quaint Round Rock.
How marvelous to see an old downtown alive and preserved.
Love towns that have signs giving each building's history.
In 2007, Round Rock Donuts in...Round Rock...made it on my favorites list.
My accolade clearly got out since the drive through line was 6 blocks long.
The Glazed does still dissolve in the mouth. Their Apple Fritter...meh.
Love driving around Hill Country.
Always regretted not eating at Blue Bonnet the last time in Marble Falls.
Just imagine the generations since 1929!
Went with the blue plate special of Turkey and Stuffing and my 3 side choices were carrots, salad and spinach.
You have to get the Lemon Meringue. I think it is Texas law.
Evant, all of it.
Last time in Dublin, always regretted not...
...touring the Dublin Bottling Works.
As the sign gave away, they have been around since 1891. I got a soda made with syrup and phosphate and got on the tour.
Though they have a more modern facility next door, the tour shows how they made soda until the1990s.
The are most linked to making Dr. Pepper. I did do the Dr. Pepper museum years ago.
Santa Anna
A long abandoned town.
It warms the heart to still find old and remote towns still active.
Oil country!
Midland always struck me as bleak.
But a dynasty came out of this town. I've already toured the George Bush Boyhood Home.
After George H.W. Bush received a raise in 1951, he moved his small family to this home purchased for $9,000. George W. and Jeb would play in the backyard.
No more carbs, oh wait, well an Apple Fritter is fruit, right?
Now THAT is a breakfast, healthy and and photogenic.
Heading south through desolate country.
McCamey has seen better days.
Presidio de San Saba was the northernmost outpost for the Spanish Territory.
It was built in 1757.
Pretty neat to imagine when countries were still forming.
In Boerne to visit the facility of a guy I follow on YouTube.
Matt has the YouTube channels Off The Ranch, Demolition Ranch and Vet Ranch. He started this business (he is a vet) to make and distribute product for YouTubers. I bought a Linc Active fitness top.
First stop in San Antonia was a 1938 café.
Really?! Look at that patina! The booths! The stools with metal bases! The wooden counter!
Chicken Fried Steak is their specialty.
Driving into downtown San Antonio, this would be the 3rd time there.
San Antonio's downtown is a visual feast of old buildings.
And everyone loves the Riverwalk.
Enjoying Horchata Ice Cream.
The Alamo is a symbol of freedom around the world. Men who were already legends became more so. Travis, Crocket, Bowie. They fought to the death.
The barracks.
Back on the Riverwalk.
Tuesday, November 24th, 2020
Castroville is Alastian.
At Haby's Bakery this was a pilloy delight filled with cream cheese and blueberries.
Couple hours of driving, then a town.
Kingsville's main drag prompts looking into the window of time.
King Ranch is larger than Rhode Island.
Having driven past it before, always wished I took their tour.
For an hour and a half you are driven around getting the history of this spread.
In 1853, Richard King purchased the land to start raising cattle.
Today they raise cattle, breed horses, farm seeds, have a publisher and make saddles and other related leather goods.
825,000 acres.
Where they train horses.
Admin and operations.
If you work on the ranch, you get to live for free.
The school.
The King family house.
It has 29 bathrooms and 26 bedrooms.
Driving along the southernmost part of Texas.
Just me, the open road and an audio book.
Have done dozens of border checkpoints in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California.
Done traveling now. Nothing will top this.
Crossing my own path in the charming Uvalde.
These are often the best roads to see the best of America.
Hours of driving without seeing anything...and then this abandoned place.
Comstock, all of it.
It took scaling some rock ledges, dodging thorny bushes and watching for rattlesnakes to see this.
This area has always struck me as being so unique. That is Mexico to the left.
Sheffield, what is left of it....
Just like the Ritz Carlton!
Who would pass up a paleteria in an old gas station.
Been to Fort Stockton before, don't remember it.
Heading south.
Thursday, November 26th, 2020


Seeing abandoned buildings always provokes the thoughts- people worked hard to build this, use it, what happened.
Germanic Muenster.
Back into Texas to tiny Tioga for Clark's Outpost Bar-B-Q.
A few trips to Dallas have crossed off all sites and restaurants off the list.
Memories of BBQ on the West End in past years....
Thanksgiving breakfast was a couple bits of an Apple Fritter, protein bar and cauliflower pretzels.
Very scenic heading east along the northwestern part of Texas.
Guadalupe Mountains

Seeing abandoned buildings always provokes the thoughts- people worked hard to build this, use it, what happened.
Dell City
Efforts to 'fill in the map' invariably require navigating gravel roads.
This stretch in New Mexico took more than 2 hours.
I wished my new friends a Happy Thanksgiving.
Back on paved roads.
Can see forever.
Third time in Roswell. Haven't been abducted. That I know of.
Heading northeast in central New Mexico.
Been to Larredo before. Don't remember it.
One of those downtowns that was once grand.
Just stunning buildings.
A sugary and oil infused crust gives way to a soft interior. Outstanding.
Mexican Machaca Huevos for breakfast.
Ralls, all of it.
Fill 'er up!
Seymour still has the high sidewalks from the days of horses and buggies.
Loved Saint Jo's town square.
Germanic Muenster.
What a wonderful series of facades.
Dwight David Eisenhower was born in this house in a working class neighborhood of Denison on October 14th, 1890.
This was a repeat visit, but still very exciting.
His parents rented the house from 1889 to 1892 when they moved to Abilene, Kansas, which is where his Presidential Library is.
The bedroom the future 5 star General and President was born in.
Parlor and dining room.
Kitchen and outside
Denison Dam leads into Oklahoma.
Saturday, November 28th, 2020
Not being a Kennedy fan, it wasn't until the second trip to see Dealey Plaza.
Motorcade route along left, school book depository on right.
Grassy knoll to left, the white pillar at center is where Zapruder was filming.