Before and after.

Saturday, May 28th, 2022
The trip actually started out in northcentral Illinois doing an abbreviated version of the annual pilgrimage to the Ronald Reagan sites.

Jack, Nelle, Neil and Ronald moved around Illinois as Jack looked for work. They spent the most time in Dixon renting several homes. In this shot, Jack's shoe store would have been to the left, that is the movie theatre where a young Dutch Reagan decided he wanted to be in films and the park on the right has a piece of the Berlin wall honoring President Reagan's role in the collapses of the Iron Curtain.

Over 7 summers he saved 77 lives as a lifeguard at the then busy Lowell Park. Every time I go it is desolate. Making it a solemn time to reflect on activity at this beach in the 1920s and 30s.

Their church, the library the always avid reader used and his middle school.
The lived in this home from 1920 (he was 9) to 1924.
Remote Walnut.
Walnut in the early 1900s, how cool is that?!
Perfect breakfast spot.
And a frisbee sized omelet for seven bucks.

In tiny and remote Tampico, Ronald 'Dutch' Wilson Reagan was born in the bedroom above BANK on February 6th, 1911.

They later lived in the white house behind the statue of a contemplative Dutch.
West Branch, Iowa

Is where our 31st President was born and is home to the adjoining Herbert Hoover National Historic Site and Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Museum.
The Herbert Hoover National Historic Site preserves the street he spent his first several years.
The home he was born in on August 10th, 1874.

His parents died early- father in 1880 and mother four years later.

His father was a blacksmith.

One room schoolhouse.

They were Quakers in a Quaker community, this is the meeting house.

Which divided men and women. Literally. They would all sit in silence. Couldn't even look at their phones.

Herbert Hoover Presidential Library and Birthplace. Out of the (13) Presidential Libraries I have now been to (9) and don't plan on the others.
Herbert Hoover was in Stanford's first class, graduating with a mining degree in 1891. He then started a very successful career in Australia and China.

His public service began during WWI feeding the starving in Europe, notably Belgium.

He was a very successful Secretary of Commerce under Warren Harding.
Then served as President 1929-1933. This is the very first phone in the White House.

After assuming the Presidency, the Great Depression would forever scar his legacy. Experts will always debate what, if anything, he could have done to stop it.

Recreating, using actual items, of his Waldorf Astoria NYC office from 1944 to 1964.
He died in 1964 at age 90.
On a hill overlooking the 81 acres is the final resting place.

Lou proceeded him by 20 years, he never looked for another.
Iowa City
Beautiful day to walk this college town.
Oldest movie theatre in Washington.
Been to a lot of aircraft museums. This one in a rural area in southcentral Iowa was unique for sure.

Never saw another person. No one even working there.
Couple fellas talking at the gas station.

Positive memories of Pella brought me back to this Dutch themed small town.

There is a leafy town square,
surrounded by restaurants, boutiques and bakeries (yes, already been..).
Few blocks off the square is Molengracht Plaza. It's just like being back in Delft. Not.

Lake Red Rock
Smitty's has been a Des Moines institution since 1952.

With their healthy and small portion King Tenderloin.
Valley Junction in West Des Moines.

Decided to refamiliarize myself with downtown Des Moines.

Sherman Hoyt Place was built in 1877.

Court Avenue is the entertainment district.

A plaque commemorating the time Ronald Reagan lived and worked in the city.

The site of his apartment 1933-1937. I was here years ago when the apartment building was still standing.
Repeating the self-timer picture in front of state capitols. Was last here in 2008.
Sunday, May 29th, 2022
And....a great breakfast choice. Remote, in a gas station, that was more like a knick knack/convenience store.
Soon there was a table of fellas chatting away.
Imagine the glory days of Thornton.
And Kanawha.
Was in Abel a year ago to the month.
Winterset is the birthplace of a great American.
Second time here.
Marion Robert Morrison was born here on May 26th, 1907.
He weighed in at 13 pounds!
On the other side of the block is the John Wayne Museum.
That has a theatre.
A gallery with items from his movies and his car with a customized roof for more headroom for his 6' 4".
And another gallery laid out in a timeline of his cowboy and military films.
The actual eyepatch from True Grit.
Second time in the SW corner of Iowa in Clarinda for the birthplace of Glenn Miller.
The nice lady gave me a preview of the exhibits before I started taking it all in thinking in awe of those big band days.
One of only four of his trombones.
The same bandstand in the picture.
Another small gallery.
Then toured the birthplace home.
Clarinda town square.
Omaha, Nebraska
Omaha's The Old Market District is just SE of downtown.

It was very busy on this holiday weekend.
Nice to stroll around.
Honey Bunches of Goat- Chevre, honey and vanilla granola.

This place was a hoot.
A gazillion kinds of candy, unique sodas, vinyl and much more.

Back in Iowa in Logan.
Taking in the twisty Loews Scenic Byway.
Am I on the right or wrong side of the tracks?
Second time in Sioux City in the NW corner of Iowa.
Yeah, I know, awesome sign.
Tastee Sandwich and Onion Cuts.
Back in Nebraska.
Desolate Randolph.
Monday, May 30th, 2022
Good morning from O'Neill. A bit of Irish in northcentral Nebraska.
Heading south for a few hours.
Over this holiday weekend, saw dozens of small town cemeteries festooned with the flag to honor those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for the USA.
St. Paul
Ashton. All of it.
Heartland Museum of Military Vehicles in Lexington has been on the list for way too long.
A homegrown feel, with a treasure trove.
It's not all vehicles. The Huey was the workhorse of Vietnam.
The JEEP that started it all and a halftrack.
There are three areas packed full. Just imagine the history.
Wait. A Bradley. That you can go in?
Squeezed my muscular frame in and got a higher view of the last warehouse.
Holdrege in southcentral Nebraska.
At county crossroads in Minden is one of the coolest places I've ever been.
If you have 9 minutes.
Otherwise, pictures!

When Harold Warp Pioneer Village opened in 1953.

Building 1 starts with 3 rows of cars arranged chronologically, then there are clocks.
Cash registers, then another room.
Trolleys and outboard motors. Aircraft and aircraft engines.
Yet another room for women's garments. A car, artwork.
Several aisles of sculptures and artwork.
Then stop outside and realize the fun has barely begun. All authentic buildings moved here decades ago.
Five families lived in this one.
General stores are always neat to see.
You couldn't shimmy up the fire pole. I checked.
Imagine waiting for the train.
Imagine every age and grade in one room.
The sod house was actually nicer inside.
Minden's church was moved here. And you can rent it for weddings.
The next two buildings housed collections. Such as stoves and refrigerators.
Washing machines, sewing machines and pens.
Behind the town circle is more! Starting with Harold Warp's family barn.
Then a ginormous building with aisles of kitchen and living rooms through the decades.
Oh wait, more! Two buildings with tractors.
More tractors and the stables.
More buildings full of cars.
How much $$$$?
Just remarkable.
Wrapping it up with the blacksmith and pony express station.
Down the road, just an hour, to Hastings.
Continuing east through Friend.
Wilber is Czech.

Just my second time in Lincoln.

To repeat the state capitol tradition.

Then back into Iowa.

Don't build them like they used to.
Tuesday, May 31st, 2022
Breakfast on Sully's town square.

And that town square a few years ago. How cool!

Montezuma in southcentral Iowa.

Few hours to get to the NE corner of the state to very small Burr Oak. Laura Ingalls Wilder's family lived and worked in that hotel 1876-1877. Later they lived above the store in the background.

The hotel's front parlor and an upstairs bed that three strangers would share. Which was common for generations. Ew.
The basement bedroom the Wilders shared.


Took navigating a gravel road for a few miles.

To see the world's smallest church.
It would still be too roomy to fit all my friends.

Also in NE Iowa, a cave boat tour.
Not for the claustrophobic.

Tough to fold my muscular 6'2" frame.

Entering riverside McGregor.

A classic Mississippi river town.

Guttenberg stretches along Old Man River.