Welcome to Quebec City.

Buckwheat crepe with bacon (ham), spinach, goat cheese, tomato and pesto.
Notre-Dame de Québec Basilica-Cathedral was rebuilt in 1759 after the Siege of Quebec.
Notre-Dame de Québec Basilica-Cathedral is the oldest church in Canada.
Courtyard of the Fairmont.
Terrassee Dufferin is Quebec's boardwalk.
Cathedral of the Holy Trinity was completed in 1804.
Have taken funiculars from Pittsburgh to Heidelberg.
Seen the world over- merchants catering to locals centuries ago to merchants catering to tourists.
Driving along Grand Allee a few kilometers west of Old Quebec.
Then touring La Citadelle de Québec.
Built by the British 1820 to 1850.
In the Montcalm neighborhood.
The cafe and boutique lined street with floor lamp looking street lights is Rue Cartier.
The Onion Pie at Café Krieghoff was two words. Pheno menal.
Crossing the St. Lawrence for 2 more hours of driving to Lennoxville.