9th time in Colorado and 6th in Wyoming.

But there are still spaces in The Map to fill in. Before & after:
Saturday, September 2nd, 2023

Out of the airport by 8AM and up to Longmont to have breakfast at the Red Rooster in a light industrial park outside of town. Splendid homemade green chili sauce.
Just over the state line, was last in Cheyenne in 2014. The downtown has that Old West feeling and is visitor friendly

Repeating the state capitol picture tradition.

Chugwater, population 175.

Chugwater Soda Fountain, 1913. Chugwater Chili (the chili powder is made in town) and Lavendar Soda made the old-fashioned way.

Heading north, loving America.

Enjoying the vistas.
Heading west for a few hours.

Endless beauty among the states.
The magnificence of America is unexplainable.

Buffalo creates tourism with its old west past.

Occidental Hotel opened in 1880 and has hosted gunslingers, Buffalo Bill, Teddy Roosevelt, Herbert Hoover and tourists to this day. So neat to experience this history.

Next door, the saloon in 1909 and today. Didn't see any current patrons wearing spurs.

Highway 16 is among the most scenic byways in the state.

Accentuated by a setting sun.
The road as it follows the serpentine canyon.

Sunday, September 3rd, 2023
Good morning from Worland.

Always a blessing to see sunrises across America.

Last time in Thermopolis, it was too dark to see the legendary hot springs.
Let's take a closer look. The water is indeed hot. Yes, I checked.

Also verified the 1916 swinging bridge swings. I wasn't scare. OK. Maybe a little.

That bridge gives another view of the springs and bath house.

Downtown Thermopolis. Or at least half of it.
Moving on west.

Highway 26 is another stretch among the most stunning in Wyoming.
Twisting along the canyon, taking it all in.

And exclaiming, "Cool, tunnels!"

Boysen Reservoir

The remotely located National Museum of Military Vehicles is one of the best military, wait, any, museum I've been to.

It tells the stories of wars through vehicles.
World War II

June 5th, 1944
The ramp on the Higgins boat drops.
If gunfire didn't tear the soldier apart, he jumped into the frigid English Channel
If the 80 pounds of equipment didn't drag him under, he struggled to shore.
If the blanketing of ammo didn't fell him, he struggled up the beach.
If the landmines and continuous bullets didn't get him, he ran to the fight.
Red Ball Express was the attempt to keep supplies flowing into France.

Victory in Europe
Korean War

Vietnam War

Back to heading west.

Passing through Dubois.

Listening to audio books, never tiring of the views.

See the elk?

Third time in Grand Teton National Park.

A favorite town, third time in Jackson during the summer plus that time in winter for skiing Jackson Hole. BTW, Jackson is the town, Jackson Hole is the ski resort 12 miles NW of town. (That is Snow King above Jackson.)

It's a tradition to snap a pic in front of the elk arch.

Opened in the early 1930s, Million Dollar Cowboy Bar is known for the saddle barstools. I don't remember almost pulling a hip muscle on one 3 decades ago....

The Million Dollar Bison Burger is 'only' $25.

Hold up! New ice cream place on the square. That is Lemon Curd Shortbread.

In SW Wyoming, Afton has their own elk arch.
Quick swing through Idaho.

Have been in the first JC Penny in Kemmerer before. It was closed this late Sunday. It's just a small store with a smaller museum.
Heading back NE, vistas are incomprehensible.

Think I can see Montana.

Been to Farson Merchantile before..but really, a remote mercantile and 'baby' scoop the size of a softball?! Worth repeating.
Monday, September 4th, 2023
Crossing my own past path in Riverton.
Always a blessing to see sunrises across America.

How about those clouds?!

Watching it rain at altitude.

Jeffery City. 'City' is a stretch.
Southcentral Wyoming.

Back to Colorado at the NW side.

Skied Steamboat Springs in 1997. Guess how much a package for airfare, ground transportation and 3 nights slopeside lodging was. $300. Looked it up- that same hotel is now $430. A night.

In 1971 the William More family barn (built 1926) was used in a Steamboat Ski Resort ad that put that resort on the international ski destination map. That barn is now synonymous with Steamboat.

In 2006, the land surrounding the barn was sold and dozens of condos were built.

Climbing out of Steamboat.
Taking the twisty turny highway 20 southeast.
Just gasping at central Colorado.

Skied Winter Park in 1998.

Remembering this drive in winter.

Will be back.